AquaTarp has fine dust problems covered.
In this case, AquaTarp was specified for ground stabilisation of a hardstand area being used for defensive driving.
Dust-A-Side undertook the following process:
- Surface was ripped with a grader to a depth of 75mm.
- AquaTarp was applied to the surface at the recommended dilution rate via watercart.
- The surface was compacted with a roller.
- A final seal spray of diluted AquaTarp was applied onto the compacted surface to seal all of the voids.
- Stabilised surface withstands the application of emergency brakes without any dust being emitted, or the surface seal damaged.
- The stabilised surface has lasted over 3 months without any maintenance spray application.
- Water usage for dust control purposes has been significantly reduced as no water has been required since the surface was stabilised.